Saturday, May 23, 2009

Darius Rucker

We went to see Darius Rucker at the Amp in Fayetteville last night and he was awesome. Wade Bowen opened for him and was awesome as well. I can admit I've finally lived. I used my first ever porta potty. I thought I'd totally be grossed out and die with the thought of the billion, million germs in one of those things and with the thought of peeing down a hole..But at the time they didn't seem THAT dirty..haha So I was totally proud of myself..I've got 2 cameras and forgot them both so these pics were taken with my phone. I "people watched" the whole evening and that was "the best" entertainment I'd had in a long time. Man I wished I'd had one of my cameras..
Here's our good friends Amber and Bevan
Jason and I
Bevan was hilarious the whole night.
Not sure what's going on here and sure I don't wanna know.

Okay this picture is hilarious. I was about to do something NOT pretty and I'll never admit to doing it - haha

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