Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Usually our car rides are loud and hectic like our house. If I'm not yelling at someone, then one of the kids are usually crying, whining, tattling and Lord knows what. This morning was no different. On the way to school we're jamm'n out to Itsy Bitsy Spider - hahahahaa..Now it's stuck in my head all day long..Of course everyone has a song they want to listen to, so I'm trying to drive down the highway looking through the 4 possible cd's..We get lucky and come across Macie's song, but we've still yet to find Old MacDonald for Eli, but hey there is always the school trip this afternoon.. ;0)
After we dropped Macie off I had to get gas. Austin proceeds to tell me Eli's being mean to him, so I plead with Eli to be nice and no one wants to play with a mean kid and Eli turns to Austin and says in a very high, sarcastic type voice "Sor-rreeee, your my best friend"..I was hilarious!!! Austin picks up on the sarcasm immediately and says "he's doing it again" hahaha.. o brother!!

This is Austin working on his picnic table that mamaw Donna bought him, with the tools aunt Amy bought.. They love to build/fix things. I'm hoping the table doesn't end up like the steps.
Here are the bubbles the Easter bunny brought. You can actually hold them w/o them bursting. Man the bubble liquid is so thick it's almost like glue..But the kids like'em..Sorry for the terrible pic. It's windy as always where I live, so we had a hard time catching them..

Since we're talking Easter, here is Macie @ her Easter party..

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