This is the one toy that Austin picked out and said he wanted. It's a truck, with a trailer and tractor on top of the trailer.
This is Eli's trash can guys is what he calls it. This was a must have for him. He saw it at Target a month ago and has talked about it ever since. And here's what our kitchen looks like at the moment. I have to go to the store to buy huge trash bags. It looks like Christmas!!
Okay a few months ago Jason won a pedi certificate for me and I used it yesterday. Well it's been like 5 years since I'd had one, so I forgot they roll up your pants. Yeah I had hairy legs and was so embarrassed. Then.....he started shaving my feet with his little razor tool and hunks of skin was flyin everywhere. My skin was all over his clothes and he kept wiping it off his sleeves and pants. I was mortified!!!! I wanted to stick my head in the tub of water and drowned!! He probably thought i was the nastiest skank EVER!!
My feet look pretty, though..
Oh my gosh that is too funny. They always have to shave a bunch off my feet too!
I can't believe your boys are 4! I guess I forget that they are so close in age to Kristen.
Oh, and I can't imagine what they would think of my feet if I went to get a pedicure!
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