Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thank You
We love you sugar shack!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Rough Nights
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Life Update
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Still Breathing
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Gun Powder & Lead
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
After we dropped Macie off I had to get gas. Austin proceeds to tell me Eli's being mean to him, so I plead with Eli to be nice and no one wants to play with a mean kid and Eli turns to Austin and says in a very high, sarcastic type voice "Sor-rreeee, your my best friend"..I was hilarious!!! Austin picks up on the sarcasm immediately and says "he's doing it again" hahaha.. o brother!!
This is Austin working on his picnic table that mamaw Donna bought him, with the tools aunt Amy bought.. They love to build/fix things. I'm hoping the table doesn't end up like the steps.
Here are the bubbles the Easter bunny brought. You can actually hold them w/o them bursting. Man the bubble liquid is so thick it's almost like glue..But the kids like'em..Sorry for the terrible pic. It's windy as always where I live, so we had a hard time catching them..
Since we're talking Easter, here is Macie @ her Easter party..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Should've Known
Here's a picture of Macie wearing some Easter bling..Sticker earrings of course.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Birthday My Sweet Boys
This is the one toy that Austin picked out and said he wanted. It's a truck, with a trailer and tractor on top of the trailer.
This is Eli's trash can guys is what he calls it. This was a must have for him. He saw it at Target a month ago and has talked about it ever since. And here's what our kitchen looks like at the moment. I have to go to the store to buy huge trash bags. It looks like Christmas!!
Okay a few months ago Jason won a pedi certificate for me and I used it yesterday. Well it's been like 5 years since I'd had one, so I forgot they roll up your pants. Yeah I had hairy legs and was so embarrassed. Then.....he started shaving my feet with his little razor tool and hunks of skin was flyin everywhere. My skin was all over his clothes and he kept wiping it off his sleeves and pants. I was mortified!!!! I wanted to stick my head in the tub of water and drowned!! He probably thought i was the nastiest skank EVER!!
My feet look pretty, though..
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We found out the sexes for this pregnancy which I really didn't want to do. I'm a planner, so being unprepared would have sent me over the edge. Never in our wildest dreams did we think we were going to have 2 boys. Jason's dad is the only one that predicted it. Looking back I kinda wished we wouldn't have found out. It would have been a great surprise. So that means we both got to pick names. My choice was Austin and Jason's choice was Eli. Now I wasn't fond of Eli AT ALL. Not sure why, but it's grown on me. We used Jason's grandpa Sharum's name (which is also Jason's dads middle name) and my maiden name for the boys middle names.
In the above picture I have no idea whose who w/o going back through their photo albums. Enjoy the slideshow. It's sweet!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
And Then Came.....
As I stated in the post of Austin, I didn't see the boys until the 2nd day. Eli had some minor breathing problems so he had to stay under this little hood for several hours, then under the lamp for jaundice. Sorry I don't know all the medical lingo for this stuff.
He's a mama's boy I'm proud to say (but realize that won't last long)..Like Austin-Eli is a very sweet, sweet boy.
I swear this isn't the same picture as in Austin's post haha..I've always said this, when I look back it seems like so long ago since they were born, but yet they've grown up so fast. Make sense?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Story of Austin
I had a long, hard pregnancy..Several scares along the way, but everything worked out.
So on April 8th 2005 my back had been hurting all day. I was having contractions like 4-5 minutes apart and just didn't feel good. I'd worked half a day that day, so I went home and tried to rest. Keep in mind Macie had just turned 2, so there was little rest to be had. I knew my doctor was on call that weekend and had Monday off. I wanted my doctor to deliver these babies. I was already dilating which wasn't a good thing, but not too bad either. I was almost 34 weeks. I called the hospital later that evening and they said come on in, which I did and they kept me through the weekend trying to stop the contractions and giving me those steroid shots for the babies lungs. I was sent home Sunday afternoon, took a nap with Macie, woke up and the contractions started again. I was in some discomfort, but did not want to go back to the hospital, but then again I knew my doctor wasn't going to be in the office Monday, so I didn't know what to do. Jason says I was sweating profusely, but I don't remember ever sweating - haha..At midnight Macie woke up puking, so we took turns dealing with her all the while I'm in labor..I kept asking Jason "what do I do, what do I do". I finally gave in and called my mom at 3am to ask her to take me to the hospital and she says "yeah let me put some makeup on" - so I'm thinking "what" , so I say okay try to hurry. After we hung up she realized what was going on and rushed over with no makeup - thank goodness. I really felt like the bottom was about to fall out - haha. Jason didn't want to leave Macie if I was just going to be sent home. Needless to say I didn't get sent home. Of course it was raining cats and dogs that morning..I call Jason once to let him know we're having the twins soon and to get here. Well he feel back to sleep, so as their wheeling me to the c-section room I'm calling him again saying there not going to wait for you get up here, Aunt Amy lived 2 houses down so she came down to watch Macie until Mamaw Patti could get there. Keep in mind Jason's a dangerous driver in the rain, but somehow made it there in time. Austin has always been labeled "baby A". He was the smaller twin but just by a couple of ounces..
It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since this picture.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Still the Same
Friday, April 3, 2009
Don't Mess w/ Your Wee-Wee
My kids can be the absolute sweetest things-at times they melt my heart.
Eli loves sleeping with Macie on the weekends. He does it every weekend. Austin on the other hand is like a little old man. He won't sleep with Macie and Eli cause he says they wake him up, so he sleeps in his room all by himself. Tonight I was tucking Austin in bed and Eli comes up and kisses Austin and says "goodnite Austin"....Too cute!!!
1st Bday
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
Wednesdays are also gymnastic day for Macie. I've always wanted to take some pics of her in gym class, so her we have some.
Here's Macie doing a very good handstand.