Thursday, March 12, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MACIE!!! The big day is finally here, even though she wasn't actually born just yet, WHO CARES!! Blake, Bevan & Amber got Macie a Hannah Montana message board for her room..Man we really need that!! Thanks guys!!
Here's Macie and baby Blake
This is the cookie cake I'm taking to school at snack time
Here's what Macie woke up to this morning. Six tulips with one to grow on.


Eric and Amy said...

O' My sweet girl is 6 today. I loved looking at this pictures. However, I have to confess that I was showing them to Eric last night and I started crying!! It makes me kind of sad. It seems like she has grown up so fast! Eric and I love her so much and are so proud of her!!

The Sharum's said...

She has grown up extremely too fast..I remember all those pics like they were yesterday..I cried too the other night..She is a very special girl.

Rachel Brown said...

I cried to when I saw that huge cookie cake with all the icing. hAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. But really so sweet they grow up too fast.