Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3 Days,,,,but whose counting?

Okay here's some pics of Macie from ages 3-4..
  • the puppy in the picture was the product of bud & peg together for 7 years - after that long together they decide to make babies, which were sssooo adorable
  • jason taught Macie "rock roll, man"
  • since the boys were so tiny they'd fit in macie's baby strollers - for a while the boys were macie's real life dolls..the stroller was a huge hit! eli's the one in the picture.
  • then of course there's macie in the pool. man i miss that!!!
  • macie's papaw doug
  • macie's first pony ride at a ranch in Lavaca
  • macie doing ballet
  • macie's 1st snowgirl - we named her frostette (i think this picture was actually on the news, but not sure)
  • then there's Macie's 4th bday cake. the cake didn't turn out exactly like the picture-but she was okay with it, i guess..she knew it wasn't right.

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