Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baseball and Sugar

Macie had her last fun day as a 1st grader the other day. I was amazed that EVERY one in Macie's class knew how to do this "Lemonade, Crunchy Ice" hand clapping game. I'd never heard it before, but it's very cute. I'll have to learn this over the summer :0) Macie has sat beside this cute, sweet girl in the picture all year long. Couldn't have asked for a nicer person.

I love this picture!
Eli hit his 1st triple the other night.
Austin hit the game winning hit the other night as well. We won our first game! Our team really played well.

We're at the Sugar Shack with our neighbor friends right before the rain hit yesterday. This was a nice and fun after school snack. My kids love the Trantham girls. I hope they believe in arranged marriages :0)

It was lightning pretty good, so they took shelter.

Here's our scooby-doo girls!! If you can't tell the color was very green, which makes for an awesome snow cone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute. My kids always want to go to the Sugar Shack whenever we pass by. We have never actually stopped though. These pictures make me want to go ASAP.