Saturday, November 29, 2008

Letter to Santa

We were finally able to write Macie's letter to Santa. We've been talking about it for days and finally got it done. We still have the boys letters to do, but I can already tell you the only two things they want are:
1). 4-wheelers
2.) big trucks
Here's the boys being themselves. They've been wearing our stockings around the house pretending to be Santa.

Funny Story:

Jason and I were in bed while I was entering this blog and looking at the above picture. There was another picture of Austin smiling and his smile was all jacked up - plus his dirty face didn't help matters. Here's our convo after I was laughing at the last picture:

me: I sure love my kids.. They can't get much cutier -ya know.
jason: Yeah, like when Austin woke me up first thing this morning having to go poop - hahahha

Here's the funny smile I was talking about.

I'm excited to say my Christmas shopping is just about done and my Christmas cards will "hopefully" go out Monday..My wrapping is also caught up..This is a 1st for me!!!

Our painting on the Christmas characters aren't going too well, though..Snow White is done and we've been working on Snoopy - poor Piglet hasn't been touched..We may save him for next year - don't know yet..

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