Sunday, September 26, 2010

2nd Soccer Game Together

..............the 2nd soccer game with the boys playing together was disastrous. It was very hard on them to play soccer after going to school all day. LOTS of emotion for EVeryone. So I'm ending this post by saying if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all :0)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Soccer Game Alone

Austin had to play his first soccer game w/o his brother. Eli was left home sick and brokenhearted.

Austin scored twice. The picture below was right after he scored his 1st goal.

Austin did very well. He fought a long hard fight against some taller boys. When he came home he even gave Eli one of his treat tickets. Such a sweet boy!

Eli is well and ready to go for the next game. Go Sharum's!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I subscribed to the Kids National Geographic for my kids and we've received 2 issues so far and I LOVE THEM! I've been so busy reading them I haven't even shared with the kids yet. For example: If you lined up all the eyelashes a person loses in a lifetime, the hairs would stretch the length of 10 crocodiles.
Seriously, how cool is that?!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Friends

Thanks to uncle Gary Macie has 2 new friends. She's had the best time fixing hair on these girls. I even got ahold of one myself.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Copy Cat

Here we are at the doctor's office bored outta our minds. Macie decided to entertain Eli by copying his every move. Pretty funny stuff.

1st Field Trip

The boys can "officially" say this is their 1st field trip. YAY! The boys have 3 guy friends that they talk about constantly, so that's awesome they have friends like big sis.

Macie was there at the same time, so I was back and forth.

This was one of the shows the kids watched..I forget this dudes name. Cool, though.

I had the wrong bus when the boys arrived so I was able to get a picture of Eli boarding the bus going back to school. Eli has an aisle seat, so look close.