Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who knew they could swim...

Like everything else I've ever done with the kids - I decided it's time to lose the swim floaties COLD TURKEY. Friday we went swimming at uncle g & aunt p's pool w/o swim devices and ya know what. THEY COULD FREAKIN SWIM!!! Eli seriously swam underwater like a fish. Austin swam like a rock, sorta haha..Macie was soso, but she had swim lessons last year. Nothing to brag about, though. We go over there today and it was like 3 totally different kids. All 3 kids were jumping off the diving board and swimming over to the ladder like it was nobodies business. I was so excited and totally impressed. I'm not impressed by much, so this is saying a lot. Austin started flipping off the boat last weekend a-n-d was doing it off the diving board today. I'll remind you he's 5 and a stud at that!! Eli can do one heck of a cannon ball - only problem there is he doesn't know how to bring himself back up. Macie does some little twist and turns, which makes her happy. I forgot my camera at home, so a huge thanks to Greg and his IPhone for the video coverage.


Friday nite we ventured out and took the kids to play putt-putt for the first time ever. They had a blast. Eli hit the ball real well, Macie kept hitting it WAY too hard, and Austin kept wanting to swing like he does a baseball bat.

They were so amazed and confused on the last hole. They just couldn't understand W-H-Y they took your ball and W-H-E-R-E it went.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I was destined for twins

I'm just now learning that I was destined for "twins" my whole entire life. When I was a toddler I ended up with 2 honey babies, again as a young girl I had 2 cabbage patch dolls that looked the exact same, but bought at different times by 2 different people and tonight we found "twin squash". These 2 squash were stuck together, interesting I know. :0)

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Live in the Real World

We bought a boat about a week ago and last weekend was our first chance to take it to the lake. This was also Macie's first ever boat ride and the kids first time swimming in the lake. Macie was a tad apprehensive, but fell in love with the whole new experience. I don't know what the kids loved best, jumping outta the boat or going for a boat ride. Or of course driving the boat.

The kids did awesome with their life vest and the water.

Here's where the name of my post comes in. Jason's the one who came up with the catchy title. For all the parents who read this you know you can't be gone all day with kids w/o having to "poo". God bless Jason for swimming them to shore and taking care of business. I'm terrified to snakes in a ridiculous way and wouldn't have swam to shore for "NOTHING". So we live in the real world where you "poo" lol!!

Of course 30 minutes after Austin went Eli decided he had to go..And that is toilet paper on Jason's head.

After the lake papaw Richard let the kids fish one of his ponds and had a contest going for the person who caught the biggest fish. Here's Eli catching the first fish. I'm going to side track for a second. When I first saw this picture it looked like Austin, but I knew it wasn't cause from where he was standing around the pond. This an "Austin" expression. I've said before Eli looks like Austin sometimes, but Austin doesn't look like Eli - does that make sense? Anyways, hilarious expression, which is totally Eli.

Miss Macie catching one of several fish.

A reflection pic.

I was just messing around with the next several pics.

As I said earlier Papaw Richard held a contest on who could catch the biggest fish. Austin won the $1.00 prize and couldn't have been happier. Mamaw Donna also gave prizes to Macie and Eli for best swimmer and best sportsmanship :0)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Who Am I?


50 State Quarters & More

I'm real big into collecting things, so I've decided to try and collect all the 50 State Quarters. We started looking through wallets and piggy banks and collected all but 12 states. Here's what we're lacking:
  1. Arkansas
  2. Colorado
  3. Delaware
  4. Florida
  5. Illinois
  6. Mississippi
  7. New York
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Oregon
  10. Rhode Island
  11. Vermont
  12. Wisconsin

We're also collecting "America The Beautiful" Quarters. This is the 1st year in which the US Mint will release 5 quarters featuring National Parks or other National sites. We have the "Hot Springs National Park" and will be looking for the other 4.

My dad periodically gives the kids $1 Presidential Gold Coins, which is very cool. Between all the kids here's who we don't have. Each child has $15 gold dollars :0)

  • James Buchanan
  • Abraham Lincoln

We also have a several 2009 Native American $1 Gold Coins