Today was another basketball game in which Macie had high hopes of making a basket. AND JUST SO HAPPENS SHE D-I-D! Her very first!! At about this time in the picture I hear Jason say: "It's goin in", then it's total pandemonium from there. I was jumping up and down, whooping and hollarin, like the over excited parent that I am, lose my balance and have to jump down from the bleachers to try and regain my balance - hahaha NO kidding!! So I missed every photo op after this moment. Macie was so very excited!! She raised both arms in the air, looked towards the ceiling as if sayin, "F-I-N-A-L-L-Y"!! Totally cute and I totally missed it, but thankful for this pic (which I thought I didn't get)..
Here's Macie receiving her gray star for "best offense".
Today was a totally awesome, & crazy day!
Outstanding job Macie!! :))