Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today was kinda warm, so the kids played a little in the sprinkler.

After awhile the boys started getting cold and wanted to go in, but had a great time.


Tonight my dear friends Bevan & Amber cooked me a delicious dinner thanking me for watching their son Blake. We topped the evening off with a cookie cake from The Great American Cookie Company. Thank you guys. The evening was a lot of fun and I value your kindness & friendship.
Here's my boy "Eli" showing no signs of just eaten a piece of cake ;0)

The guys or I should say the 12 year olds had to shoot their rockets. Here's Macie and Austin playing in the smoke after lift off.

Here's Blake testing the rocket launch button

Monday, May 25, 2009


Tonight we took the kids to their first ever rodeo. I'm going try and describe our evening. On our way to the rodeo all 3 kids were extremely excited, once we got there we waited in line for an hour for our tickets. Once we sat down Austin was ready to go home and the rodeo hadn't even started yet. Everyone had a late lap in hopes they could stay up late - no such luck. The rodeo started at 7:30 and by 8:30 everyone was whining, and wanting to go home. I mean they acted like it was midnight-haha. Eli was fascinated by the bulls. Macie and Austin liked the horses. The boys kept complaining about the "smell" and Austin wanted Jason to ride a horse HAHAHAHA". I'd actually pay to see that too..

Eli was making a "neigh" sound here.

I made sure I had my camera this time. Check out these "mac daddy" boots. Nice, huh?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Playing in the rain and more

Since it has rained ALL day today, I decided to let the kids play in the rain this morning. It was the first time EVER for them. I know, I have "bad mom" written all over me. As expected they had a blast..
Austin is kinda the "odd ball" outta the bunch..He always makes THE funniest expressions and does the total opposite of the other two.

And lookie here: we have our first rose..
AND SQUASH!!! Super excited!! We're gonna have squash running outta our ears..I really honestly didn't expect to have anything.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Last Day

Friday was Macie's last day of kindergarten and I have to admit I'm kinda bummed about it. I'm not ready for her to be a 1st grader. I swear it seems like yesterday I was crying my eyes out b/c it was her 1st day of school. Poof!!! The year flew by and is now over. It saddens me that my kids are growing up so fast. Here's Macie's 1st day of school pic. She looks so young in this picture.
And here she looks like.., well she looks like a 1st grader ;( I can't believe the difference in a little under a years time. I'm extremely excited to have her home during the summer, though. As proof that Macie's growing up, as we're going to Alma to eat tonight a huge boat passes us on the interstate. Jason says "hey guys look at that boat. that's what we need". Okay here's Macie's response, "whoa, holla" hahahahahahahahahaaaa.. I turn to Jason and ask Did she just say "holla". Jason looks at me and asked "Did she just say "holla"? We were speechless and still laughing.
Here is our Christ the King carnival fish that I won. I absolutely love this fish ;0) Macie named her Pretty. The little thing is so darn cute!

Darius Rucker

We went to see Darius Rucker at the Amp in Fayetteville last night and he was awesome. Wade Bowen opened for him and was awesome as well. I can admit I've finally lived. I used my first ever porta potty. I thought I'd totally be grossed out and die with the thought of the billion, million germs in one of those things and with the thought of peeing down a hole..But at the time they didn't seem THAT dirty..haha So I was totally proud of myself..I've got 2 cameras and forgot them both so these pics were taken with my phone. I "people watched" the whole evening and that was "the best" entertainment I'd had in a long time. Man I wished I'd had one of my cameras..
Here's our good friends Amber and Bevan
Jason and I
Bevan was hilarious the whole night.
Not sure what's going on here and sure I don't wanna know.

Okay this picture is hilarious. I was about to do something NOT pretty and I'll never admit to doing it - haha

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I wanted to share these pics with you. I took them tonight and very impressed with myself ;)..This is the true blue picture, no editing done on my part. This child is on our soccer team and is very awesome..In this picture he's giving the thumbs up to his family.
In this pic he's excited after scoring one of many goals..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kids Eat Free

Have you ever used this website?
If your planning a summer vacation and have children it might be worth checking out.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fun Day

Macie's school had a fun day Friday..The day was a 2 hour, screaming fun, loud music, popsicle, sunburn bliss..
Eli wanted to play with Macie so bad. So Macie was leading him to the sidewalk chalk. Remember Eli is the outgoing twin. I felt more like Austin's Siamese twin since he was attached to my leg the whole time. Macie's an awesome big sister!
Too sweet!!
Super excited that she was having a fun day at her school.
The boy in red is one of the boys she likes to torment on the playground.
And here's Macies sweet, sweet teacher. We will miss her so.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Happy Anniversary to Jason and I. Today we're celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary - yea us!!! For the ones that don't know us well, I met Jason in 7th grade at Chaffin Junior High. We had a love/hate relationship in 8th grade. He said I looked like a cow daily and I put a thumb tack in his chair - hahahaha (that's one of many stories)..I could write a whole book on our relationship, but will spare you ;0)

I hope to have many more anniversaries..

Here we are about to leave for both Northside/Southside Prom '95

man I had some bangs!!
St Boniface Church

Here's my bridesmaids: Jennifer Henson, Amber Treadway (made of honor) and my sister in law Amy Sharum

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Cutest Lambe

Here's just a few of the pictures I took last night. These are the cutest Lambe's I've ever seen!! The whole family is awesome!! Couldn't ask for a nicer family. Macie's one lucky girl to have such an awesome friend.

This picture is one of my favorites. Such a great natural shot. I'd love to know their conversation.